We want to give back!

Make sure you vote every month to decide where 15% of all purchases made from Rheanna Rose will go!

Hey there sugar plum!

I find introductions hard,

But I know they're important so HERE WE GO!

Guess my name. I'll give you a hint. It's the name of the business. (How original 😅) But the business revolves around my mission to help people embrace their quirks & differences, the way I never did. So I figured why not! I'm married & my husband Matt is about 97% of the reason I have a place of my own on the internet to share all of this with you. He's ridiculously smart & has been building websites for a long, long time, which is probably why he's so good at it. I'm a stay at home mom to my two little boys. The give me life & also grey hair, but I love them more than I ever knew I was capable of loving a living thing.

I started Rheanna Rose out by just making custom clothes, with the same mission to help people who visited the shop embrace their differences. All of the clothes in our shop are unique & hand dyed to ensure just that. Then I started making cute little stickers & I thought those would be such a great way to personalize, well, almost anything! Then came the blog, which is basically the diary of my life. Encouraging, relatable, & sometimes pretty funny, it's a place where I share life hacks, parts of my own self discovery, & my very loud, bold personality. So come hang out. Get some snacks, read some blogs posts & be sure to check out our clothes & stickers too!

Thank you all so much for supporting me & my dreams and remember, the world needs your brand of different, so be bold babes!

One more thing! - I am beyond excited to announce that 15% of each purchase will go to our donation nomination each month. If you have someone you'd like to nominate, there is a form in the Nomination tab! Let's change some lives! Thank you again!

Rheanna standing in the woods.
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