5 min read

I Can Do What I Can

Written by
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May 18, 2023

You know, I find myself in full auto pilot a lot. Trying to figure everything out all at once. My mind starts racing, my heart starts beating faster & faster, I start feeling overwhelmed because I'm one person & I don't know how I can do it all. In the last week alone, I've caught myself multiple times a day, feeling like I've put too much on my plate, to the point that when I start to pray before I go to bed, I even get overwhelmed with that because I feel like I couldn't possibly cover everyone that I love, everything that I feel weighing on my heart and racing through my mind in a day. Do you ever feel like that?

Honestly, I didn't ever used to catch myself. So that in itself is a huge step in the right direction. "Rheanna, stop." I say that to myself many times in a day. I take a deep breath, and I remember that I can do what I am able, but only God can do what He DOES.

Sure, I could throw myself into an endless spiral, running myself far beyond empty, trying to do more than any human could possibly do. That's what I used to do. But recently in therapy, the topic of prioritizing came up. I tend to file all my task as non-negotiable in my head. I believe there is no flexibility, therefore if I don't chill out until all this stuff is done. But the list is endless, as I'm sure it is for you. But you are one person. I am one person. We can only do as much as we are able in a day. Period.

As I was laying in bed tonight, which will technically be last night because you won't see this until tonight, this is the thought that came into my mind. I realized that this was too important not to share.

You can do what you can, but God can do what He DOES. Does being the key word. He can do anything. He could bless anybody, with anything, at anytime. But we have to realize that if it isn't happening, then either it isn't time or we aren't doing what we're supposed to. And for me, I can discern when I'm not following His game plan. Selfishness, spite, & being impatient. Those'll get you every time.

I'm a right now kind of gal. Waiting is not my strong suit. I've gotten myself into physical, mental, as well as finically sticky situations because I want whatever it is, right now. I push myself too far. I'm impulsive. I panic. I over react. Then I hear it, "Rheannnnnnn-a, stop."

Take a breath.

And on the flip side of this, I won't believe in myself. As I've jumped all in with my business, I realize how much I create panic, simply because I don't believe in myself. I don't believe that I am a positive influence. I don't believe I am capable of undertaking such a thing. I feel like I'm stealing time from my kids & my husband. Trying to juggle it all can be overwhelming. But guess what, I'm in the middle of it, so I must be doing it. People tell me how much their orders bring them joy, so it must. People support me, so they must believe in me. So, "Rheannnnn-a, stop."

In order for us to do what we can, we must believe in ourselves. In our abilities to be a positive influence, to spread joy. Seeds can't grow if you don't plant them. So you can do it. You are amazing. And He will do the rest.

Step out of your comfort zone. Stop hoarding all the seeds because you think they're duds & throw them everywhere. Stop thinking that it what you do won't matter, because it will. And as long as you're being brave, God will do the rest.

Whenever you feel your mind start to spiral, your heart start to beat faster, & you're starting to feel overwhelmed, say it. Say your name & call yourself out. Stop, breathe, & go do what you can & He will do what He DOES.

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