5 min read

The Hot Mess Express

Written by
Full Name
November 18, 2022

What will this blog be about? Everything, it’s mother & maybe a distant twice removed cousin. The topics will probably be all over the place. I started a facebook page and instagram account a while ago called The RayJay Way & that tag line was “Livin’ Life the RayJay Way”. So basically that’s what this is. I enjoy writing things. People have told me that I’m good with words, which seems odd to me bc I feel like I ramble, but the imposter syndrome is real & I just need to shut that shit off & do the cool things I want to do, or so I’m told.

So we will start with baby steps, like sharing my life on the internet (slaps knee bc I think I’m hilarious) I clearly do not know what baby steps are. I’ll be 27 in February & I’m positive the only way I’ll ever do anything is to dive in head first. What is the downside to that? I have 987 craft projects I started and never finished because I found out I actually didn’t enjoy it. Well, actually let me rephrase that. I thought I didn’t enjoy it. Turns out a I have ADHD. Got to do a bunch of fun (literally the least fun thing I have ever done) testing done to figure that out & now I take medication to help my poor little brain out & things are rad. Which I’ll talk about a different day because the whole experience was very eye opening for a multitude of reasons. But I found out I actually did enjoy those things, but my brain just couldn’t formulate a plan to finish whichever craft I had started, so the pile of yarn crafts & other hobbies I started around me felt very overwhelming & kind of like I was just bad at everything & a failure. So I actually do love almost all of the crafts and things I started, I just felt overwhelmed. Anyways, moving on.

I’ve talked about codependency, inner child stuff, my faith life, books I’ve read, mom life, wife life, my journey of self development & all those neat little things and a plethora of other stuff so if you feel like you’ll relate, tag along for the ride! I’ll probably ramble, but I’m also kind of funny sometimes so its worth it. Who knows?! Might be wild, but that’s just livin’ life that rayjay way 😉

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